I was sitting in the Airport reading Ephesians 2 and it occurred to me
how much Flying Instruments mimics God's Pre-destination and Free well
. God has pre-positioned Radio Beacons to tell us where to go. When
we meet Jesus he helps us understand which radials will actually get
us to our destination. But it is not a direct path, because he has
others he wants us to pick up on the way to the KOG. We use the Holy
Spirit to "See" the Invisible radio waves and translate (our
Instrument panel) that into actions our obedience.
With out the Meeting Jesus I do not even know there are radio becons I
can Follow, after Jesus without the HS, I can not make any sense out
of the information I am recieving....
If I loose contact with the beacon, I have to retune the right
Frequency, and like tracking a VOR wheen I first start I am extremely
Erratic in trying to track the radial. As I get better, smaller and
smaaller inputs get me where I am going, and the close to my
destination, the more smaller the necessary to stay on track, and the
more careful I must become to stay on track...